Sinaloa style tuna ceviche recipe

If you are craving something fresh, rich and quick to prepare, you will love this Sinaloa-style tuna ceviche recipe. Sinaloa is one of the states of Mexico with a great tourist offer, its beaches are beautiful, as well as exquisite cuisine, which is why once in your life you have to go and try its variety of sea dishes. Ceviche is one of the main dishes, there are fish, shrimp, and octopus and more, however, this time, we teach you how to prepare a delicious Sinaloa-style tuna ceviche, very similar to fresh tuna salad with mango combining the fresh flavor of tuna with cucumber, onion, cilantro and with an extra ingredient, mango, which will make this recipe an exquisite preparation.

Ingredients to make Sinaloa-style tuna ceviche:

  • 200 grams of fresh tuna
  • 1 sprig of fresh coriander
  • ½ purple onion
  • 2 serrano chili
  • 1 cup diced mango
  • 5 lemons
  • salt to taste
  • pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon soy willow or Worcestershire willow
  • 1 package of toasts to accompany

How to make Sinaloa-style Tuna Ceviche:

  1. Start the Sinaloa-style tuna ceviche recipe by chopping the medallion or tuna steak into small cubes, place in a bowl and reserve.
  2. Trick: in some places they sell the medallion or tuna steak already chopped, just make sure it is very fresh.
  3. Finely chop the red onion and the serrano chiles, in addition, you can remove the seeds and the veins of the chiles if you don’t want it to be too spicy, you can also substitute the red onion for white onion.
  4. Chop half a cucumber into cubes about the same size as the vegetables and prickly pear, remove the seeds. If you wish, you can peel the cucumber or leave the skin on, personally I like to leave it on, as it provides a crunchy texture and a special flavor.
  5. Also chop the coriander, however, before do not forget to disinfect the branch very well. You can chop everything or just use the leaves, this is merely to taste. Then reserve.
  6. Add the ingredients to a large bowl or container for mixing later. Place the tuna, cucumber, cilantro, onion, serrano pepper, chopped mango, juice of 5-6 lemons, salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Mix very well to integrate all the ingredients and then add a teaspoon of soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce, mix again. You can also use seafood sauce or if you want to provide a sweet touch, you can use ketchup sauce.
  8. In a few minutes you will have a delicious and fresh Sinaloa-style tuna ceviche. Enjoy with corn tostadas or crackers!

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