Shrimp ceviche recipe

Ceviche is a well – known dish and although it is normally associated with Peruvian cuisine, all kinds of ceviche’s are currently prepared within Mexican and Colombian cuisine, among others.

What we are going to cook today is a variation of the original recipe that is prepared with fish. The main ingredient of our ceviche will be some delicious peeled prawns. This shrimp ceviche with avocado is super easy to prepare and although it takes a while to be ready, due to the marinating time, its preparation has no secrets or complications.

Put on your apron and enjoy preparing this delicious shrimp ceviche, then tell us what you think and what other ingredients you would add to the dish. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Shrimp Ceviche:

  • 100 grams of peeled prawns
  • ½ avocado
  • ½ Cucumber
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 limes
  • ½ sweet white onion
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon chili (optional)
  • 2 lemons

How to make Shrimp Ceviche:

We gather all the ingredients and place a deep bowl where we will mix everything. Remember that you can vary the quantity of the ingredients to your liking, the important thing in this ceviche recipe is the mixture of flavors, and of course, making the prawns “cook” in the acid of the lemon.

When we have everything on the kitchen table, we start by squeezing the juice from the limes and lemons. We leave the prawns macerating with the juice in a somewhat deep dish and add a pinch of chili if we want a spicy touch in our ceviche. On the other hand, peel and cut the onion very fine. When we have it, we mix it with the prawns that we have soaked with the lemon juice and the chili.

Reserve this mixture in the fridge for about 45 minutes and stir from time to time so that the flavors mix well and everything cooks with the citrus juice. After this time we can chop the rest of the ingredients as small as possible. We extract the tomato seed and its skin to make it more palatable.

We add all this to the bowl where we are preparing the prawn ceviche, stir well, cover and let everything marinate again for another hour.

Trick: The ceviche can be left longer, you already know that the longer it rests, the more it cooks thanks to the acid of the citrus fruits

After this we can serve and enjoy our shrimp ceviche, a delicious creation, which as you can see is super easy to prepare and can be accompanied with some toast or crackers.

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