Shrimp and Vegetable Lasagna Recipe

Lasagna is one of the most versatile dishes that exist since it can be prepared with a wide variety of ingredients, giving it different styles but all equally delicious.

This time we offer you a delicious recipe to make shrimp lasagna lasagna. The truth is that it is a somewhat laborious preparation but in the end you will have a super dish with which you will surprise everyone at home, since its ingredients are easy to obtain and its preparation is not difficult at all.

We invite you to stay with us and together we will discover step by step how to make shrimp and vegetable lasagna, you will see that you will love it.

Ingredients to make Shrimp and Vegetable Lasagna:

  1. 6 sheets of lasagna pasta
  2. ½ kilogram of fresh shrimp
  3. 200 grams of Mushrooms
  4. 1 piece of Pumpkin
  5. 100 grams of cream cheese
  6. 80 grams of Cream
  7. 3 tablespoons of Butter
  8. 200 grams of spinach
  9. 400 grams of string cheese
  10. ½ piece of onion
  11. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Shrimp and Vegetable Lasagna:

  • We will begin to prepare the shrimp and vegetable lasagna by gathering all the ingredients that we are going to use.
  • To begin we are going to finely chop the onion and garlic, and put them to fry in the melted butter until the onion is transparent.
  • Once the onion is ready, we add the perfectly cleaned shrimp along with the sliced ​​​​mushrooms and the finely chopped pumpkin.
  • When the ingredients look soft, add the heavy cream and cream cheese, and stir to incorporate everything perfectly, and also add a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Finally, we add the perfectly clean spinach and stir our stew for the vegetable and shrimp lasagna.
  • Now we take our pasta and cook it just as the preparation method on the box indicates, since some come raw and others pre-cooked, so their cooking will be different.
  • Once the pasta and the filling of our shrimp lasagna are ready, we begin to form it: for this, we place a sheet of pasta on the baking sheet, and immediately add a little of our stew. We repeat these steps until we have 3 or 4 levels, and on the last level we add a little more of the shrimp stew with vegetables and finish by adding the string cheese on top. Now we take the homemade lasagna to bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
  • After this time we remove the shrimp and vegetable lasagna from the oven, let it cool, and once cold we split it. And now we can enjoy this delicious preparation.

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