Shrimp and hard-boiled egg salad recipe

Let no one say that prawn salads are boring because they admit any ingredient that we have in the fridge and therefore the possible combinations are almost infinite. I propose a delicious king prawn and hard-boiled egg salad that combines shellfish, eggs and fruit, delicious and very easy and quick to prepare! Do you really want?

Ingredients to make prawn and hard-boiledegg salad:

• 1 lettuce

• 250 grams of prawns

• 3 eggs

• 1 handful of raids

• 10 supreme sticks

• 1 small can of corn

• 1 apple

• 2 oranges

• 150 milliliters of yogurt sauce for salads

How to make Shrimp and Boiled Egg Salad:

We start by putting the eggs in a saucepan with water on the fire. When they start to boil, keep for 10 minutes, remove, remove the hot water, add cold water until they are covered, leave for five minutes and peel.

Meanwhile, cut the lettuce into several pieces and wash it well. To remove excess water we use a centrifuge or a drainer.

Peel the oranges, removing as much of the white part as possible so they don’t get bitter, cut them into cubes and put them in a salad bowl.

We wash the apple well if we are not going to peel it; we core it and cut it into cubes that we add with the orange. We mix well.

Drain the corn and add it to the salad bowl. We cut the crab sticks and put them together with the rest of the ingredients.

Add a handful of raisins and the well-drained lettuce and dress with the yogurt sauce. Mix well and reserve.

Peel the prawns and break the boiled eggs. We have them on the salad before taking it to the table. Bon Appetite!

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