Shrimp and Avocado Salad Recipe

Shrimp and Avocado Salad is easy to make, quick and delicious. To enhance its flavor we have decided to add a white sauce that we all know: mayonnaise. However, we recommend other options to be able to choose and vary the recipe each time you make it.

On the other hand, we propose a series of ingredients that can also be modified, since both shrimp and avocado are very versatile foods that combine with practically any fruit, vegetable or vegetable. Without a doubt, this is a salad that will become one of your favorites as soon as you try it. In addition, it is perfect for when we have guests or prepare a cocktail during a celebration. Keep reading and discover how to make shrimp and avocado salad.

Ingredients to make Shrimp and Avocado Salad:

• 100 grams of cooked or raw shrimp

• 2 avocados

• 1 bunch of cherry tomatoes

• 100 grams of lettuce

• 2 pineapple slices

• Mayonnaise to taste

• 1 splash of lemon juice (optional)

• 1 handle (optional)

How to make Shrimp and Avocado Salad:

Peel the shrimp and reserve them in a bowl. You can make the Shrimp Avocado Salad with cooked or raw shrimp. If you use raw shrimp, you should cook them on the grill or boil them. Peel the avocados and cut them into cubes or slices, however you like. Add them to the bowl with the shrimp and, to prevent the avocados from browning, pour a splash of lemon juice and mix.

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and the pineapple into cubes the same size as the avocado. Add these ingredients to the bowl to continue with the preparation of the shrimp and avocado salad.

Tip: You can substitute pineapple for other fruits. For example, you can make shrimp, avocado and mango, coconut or orange salad.

Add the lettuce, mayonnaise to taste, mix and serve. Now you have your avocado and shrimp salad ready! Instead of mayonnaise you can use pink sauce, tartar sauce, honey mustard vinaigrette or any other you like. The possibilities are endless, so we encourage you to try and tell us which sauce you added. We have served the salad in individual containers, but you can also present it in a single dish. Likewise, depending on whether the salad will be a side dish or a single dish, it will serve more or fewer people. As a single dish it is for two, while as a side dish it is for four.

Shrimp and avocado salad – Accompaniments and recommendations

This avocado and shrimp salad recipe can be served as a starter or as a single dish, since it is complete and nutritious. It provides protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. If you want to taste it for dinner, we recommend seasoning it with a rather light sauce or simply with a little olive oil or balsamic vinegar without sugar.

If you serve the salad as a starter or side dish, you can accompany it with grilled meat and fish, with hamburgers, with white rice and even with pasta and mix it all up. Burgers do not have to be meat; they can also be vegetables, like quinoa burgers, which fit perfectly with this salad.

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