Shredded Chicken Croquettes Recipe

Ingredients to make Shredded Chicken Croquettes:

  • 1 kilogram of chicken
  • 1 unit of Leek
  • 1 unit of Onion
  • 1 unit of Carrot
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 120 grams of Butter
  • 120 grams of flour
  • 1 pinch of salt and nutmeg


  • 100 grams of flour
  • 3 units of beaten egg
  • 250 grams of breadcrumbs

How to make Shredded Chicken Patties:

Cook the whole chicken in a pan covered with water along with the cleaned vegetables for 1 hour. Once the chicken is cooked, remove the broth (we reserve the broth to make a soup together with the cooked vegetables passed through the food mill). Remove the skin from the chicken and cut the meat into very small pieces, almost shredded.

We make a béchamel cream with the butter that we will put in a saucepan to melt. Once liquid, add the flour and let the flour cook in the butter without taking color. Pour the hot milk into the mixture, little by little, stirring constantly.

We keep the béchamel cooking once it has started to boil for 5 minutes without stopping stirring.

Add the shredded chicken and season with salt and nutmeg (optional). Pour the croquette dough into a bowl and let cool for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Once the dough has cooled, take portions with a spoon and form oval balls. Pass these balls through flour, then through beaten egg and finally through the breadcrumbs. We fry them a few at a time in a pan with very hot oil.

Once fried, we remove them to a tray or plate with kitchen paper so that part of the frying oil drains off and then we move to the tray or plate where we will serve them hot, accompanied by a salad.

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