Shark Recipe with Tomato

Shark macaroni or shark pasta is well known internationally because it is super versatile and practical to prepare delicious carbohydrate dishes and, we can learn this recipe for sharks with tomato so tasty that they contain powdered cheese, although you can put the type of cheese you want. Enjoy them!

Ingredients to make Sharks with tomato:

  1. 1 package of macaroni
  2. 1 handful of powdered cheese
  3. 1 can of fried tomato (bought or homemade)

How to make Sharks with tomato:

  • We put the macaroni to cook.
  • When they are cooked we put them in a colander and pass them through water. When they are half cold we put it back in the pot.
  • Once in the pot we add the fried tomato, either homemade or purchased. We remove well.
  • Separate the shark pasta with tomato on a plate and sprinkle the powdered cheese on top.
  • We serve the sharks with freshly made tomato and cheese.

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