Serrano Porridge Recipe

Serrano Porridge Recipe

Serrano Porridge Recipe

Ingredients to make Dachas Serrano’s:Serrano Porridge Recipe

  • 1 head of garlic (Pardoners)
  • 1kg liver
  • 3 sausages
  • 1 kg of Bacon
  • 6 tablespoons porridge flour (Aortas)
  • 6 half teaspoons of Paprika
  • Salt
  • Caraway
  • nutmeg
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • 250 grams of mushrooms

How to make porridge:


Fry the bacon, the chorizo ​​and a little liver with half the garlic


Cook. And crush the liver in its cooking water, crush the rest of the garlic and add to the liver, in the frying oil, fry the flour. And then the paprika, taking care that it does not burn, put the crushed and the spices with the mushrooms and beat without stopping to undo the lumps.


Do not stop stirring at any time so that they do not stick if they get too thick add water without any problem


Add salt to taste and cook without stopping stirring from when they begin to boil for 15 or 20 minutes and monitor the texture, they should be as shown in the photo, leave them cooking for a couple of minutes and when the oil comes out through the bubbles, set aside


Accompany them with fried chilies, good bread and a full-bodied red

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