Serrano ham and Manchego cheese sandwich recipe

That a recipe is simple and quick to prepare does not necessarily mean that it is not a balanced dish. This time we learn how to prepare a sandwich with Serrano ham and Manchego cheese, ideal for dinner or to take away if we have to eat away from home.

Eye! Prepare two Serrano ham and tomato sandwiches as they are so delicious that even one is not enough

Ingredients to make Serrano ham and Manchego cheese sandwich:

  • 2 multigrain sandwich buns
  • 100 grams of Serrano ham
  • 100 grams of Manchego or other cured cheese
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Serrano ham and Manchego cheese sandwich:

First of all, we will start preparing this Serrano ham and tomato sandwich by washing and peeling the tomato. We put it in the blender glass (we can remove the seeds if we do not want to find them in the sandwich) together with the oil (only a few drops) and a pinch of ground black pepper. Beat until liquid.

Trick: We keep the remaining crushed tomato in a well-closed jar or Tupperware and can use it in other sandwiches or for toast.

Cut the cheese into slices and reserve. We also cut the slices of ham unless we have previously sliced ​​ham. We open the loaves and spread each of the internal faces with a little crushed tomato. Place the slices of ham on the base bread and on these the slices of cheese. We cover the Serrano ham sandwich with the other part of the bread and that’s it!

Accompanying this Serrano ham and Manchego cheese sandwich with a healthy salad, for example, we have a complete and delicious dinner or meal, ready in the blink of an eye!

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