Seafood Stuffed Eggs Recipe

We are going to prepare some eggs stuffed with seafood, an ideal dish for the summer that, in addition, we can prepare in advance or even the day before. Although we can fill the eggs with multiple ingredients, with prawns and tuna they are delicious and allow us to offer a fresh and complete starter or appetizer.

If you have a special event, you can prepare this recipe and serve it during the cocktail; you will be the perfect host because your guests will love the taste of the dish. And best of all, it will only take a few minutes to prepare this starter, since it is very simple and fast. Keep reading and discover how to make stuffed eggs with seafood.

Ingredients to make Seafood Stuffed Eggs:

  • 8 eggs
  • 2 cans of tuna in oil
  • 5 crab sticks or supreme
  • 200 grams of cooked prawns
  • 1 small can of bell pepper
  • 1 jar of mayonnaise
  • 3 tablespoons of ketchup or fried tomato

How to make Seafood Deviled Eggs:

  1. Put a saucepan with water, add the eggs and cook for 10-12 minutes when they start to boil.
  2. Once cooked, transfer them to a bowl with cold water so they cool down before you can peel them.
  3.  Peel them, cut them lengthwise, separate the yolks from the whites and set aside.
  4. Chop the supreme with a knife into very small pieces.
  5. Peel the cooked prawns and cut them into small pieces, leaving some to garnish the eggs.
  6. You can make the seafood deviled eggs with more ingredients, like chopped mussels.
  7. Put the chopped supreme sticks and the chopped prawns in a bowl.
  8. Drain the oil from the tuna cans; add it to the bowl with the other ingredients and mix.
  9. Add half of the yolks to the mixture and mix well.
  10. In another bowl, prepare a pink sauce.
  11. To do this, introduce the mayonnaise with a few tablespoons of ketchup or fried tomato and mix.
  12. Go adding tablespoons of tomato until you get it to your liking.
  13. Taste to add salt if necessary. You can also add a few tablespoons of brandy or orange juice to the sauce for an extra kick of flavor.
  14. Another totally valid option is to make eggs stuffed with seafood and aioli, substituting the pink sauce for this one.
  15. To do this, do not miss our aioli recipe.
  16. Add spoonful’s of pink sauce to the filling and integrate. Fill the eggs and place them in a serving dish.
  17. Decorate the shellfish stuffed eggs with a little mayonnaise on top.
  18. Chop the remaining yolks and add them on top of each egg as well. Finally, cut strips of bell pepper and use them to decorate.
  19. You can also place whole peeled prawns to improve the presentation.
  20. Reserve the eggs covered with plastic wrap in the fridge until ready to eat them.
  21. And the recipe for stuffed eggs with seafood is ready! As you can see, it is a simple and delicious recipe, to which you can add more ingredients if you want.


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