Seafood Silicon Recipe with Thermo mix

Today we are going to enjoy cooking with Thermo mix, because we will use our fantastic food processor to prepare a seafood salad. Seafood silicon is a salad made from cooked shellfish, marinated in simple vinaigrette, and mixed with bell peppers and boiled egg.

Enough of creams and pâtés with Thermo mix go ahead and prepare something different and surprise your guests with some very original canapés. Let’s go then with the step-by-step recipe for seafood silicon with Thermo mix, you’ll love it!

Ingredients to make Seafood Silicon with Thermo mix:

• 100 grams of crab sticks or Squirmier

• 100 grams of Prawns and/or cooked prawns

• 50 grams of cooked mussels

• 50 grams of cooked octopus

• 150 grams of green pepper

• 150 grams of red pepper

• 2 boiled eggs

• Vinaigrette

• 80 milliliters of olive oil

• 40 milliliters of Vinegar

• 1 pinch of salt

How to make Seafood Silicon with Thermo mix:

To make this rich seafood silicon you can use the ingredients you want. We know that seafood is not very cheap, so we suggest you make the recipe with crab sticks, the taste is spectacular, but if you have a chance to get prawns, you can substitute them for supreme. We turn on our food processor and start by placing the crab sticks in the glass. Chop for 4 seconds at speed 4 and reserve aside.

Then we place the rest of the ingredients in the glass without washing and blend everything for 5 seconds at speed 4. Remove and join this with the crab sticks.

Remember that you can modify the programming of your Thermo mix to taste so that the pieces of seafood are larger or smaller. To prepare the vinaigrette, we put the 3 ingredients on the list in the glass and program the Thermo mix to emulsify with progressive speed 5-6 for 25 seconds.

When it is ready, pour all the vinaigrette over the seafood mixture and reserve the silicon in the fridge until serving time. This seafood salad with Thermo mix is served fresh and can be eaten as an appetizer along with some crackers. And if you decided to chop everything finely, you can also put together some elegant vole-au-vents to present as a canapé. Take advantage!

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