Seafood Rice Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make Seafood Rice Soup:

  • For 4 people:
  • 12 cooked mussels.
  • 8 shrimp.
  • 1 red onion.
  • 150 gr. of rice.
  • 100 gr. shelled peas.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • 1 leek
  • 3 mushrooms.
  • 1 hardboiled egg
  • 5 liters of broth.
  • Oil
  • Salt

How to make Seafood Rice Soup:

  1. Clean and finely chop the leek, onion and tomatoes.
  2. Sauté these vegetables in a saucepan with a little oil.
  3. Season and add the peas and rice.
  4. Add the broth and cook this stew for 20 minutes.
  5. In a frying pan with oil, sauté the shrimp, the filleted mushrooms and the chopped mussels.
  6. Pour this rehash into the pot.
  7. Pour the soup into a soup bowl.
  8. Place the egg inside a pastry and pass it over the soup to decorate it.
  9. It serves.
  10. A few drops of sherry can be added to any soup to give it a special touch.
  11. In fish and seafood soups, it is very good to add a few strands of saffron.

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