Seafood Pasta Recipe

Ingredients to make Seafood Pasta:

  1. 1/2 pound peeled shrimp
  2. 1/2 pound white fish (preferably baza)
  3. Octopus to taste
  4. Squid rings to taste
  5. green pepper
  6. red pepper
  7. onion
  8. garlic
  9. salted
  10. pepper to taste
  11. olive oil
  12. 1/2 cup white vinegar
  13. One lemon’s juice
  14. 1 package of pasta

How to make Seafood Pasta:

  • In a frying pan, crystallize the onion in two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Add the garlic until it starts to jump.
  • Add green and red pepper, shrimp, squid, octopus and fish previously grilled and cut into small squares, adjust salt and pepper.
  • Gradually add the vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Meanwhile, in a pot with enough water and a little salt, soften the paste.
  • Once ready, mix with the seafood platter (already ready and off the heat) and add a little olive oil before serving.
  • It is extremely easy to prepare and, best of all, it is ready in a very short time.
  • I recommend making this recipe with tagliategli or long pasta.
  • Enjoy your meal.

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