Seafood Noodle Soup Recipe

This time we present you a tasty and warm starter for these days when the cold is getting worse. In addition, it is a perfect seafood soup recipe to propose a Christmas menu a little different from the ones we eat every year, full of baked fish, lamb, capons and other stews typical of these times. For this simple seafood chowder recipe, all we need is just that: seafood, broth, and a good stir-fry.

And the best of all is that we are going to explain step by step how to make this seafood soup with thick noodles, to which you can add an extra touch with your favorite ingredients. In our case, noodles. Of the fat ones Come on, let’s see how to make seafood soup.

Ingredients to make Seafood Noodle Soup:

  1. 300 grams of seafood preparation
  2. 4 handfuls of fat noodles
  3. 500 milliliters of fish broth
  4. 150 grams of fried tomato
  5. 3 garlic cloves
  6. 100 grams of onion
  7. 1 pinch of salt
  8. ½ dessert spoon of black pepper
  9. 1½ dessert spoons of Paprika
  10. 1 tablespoon of Rum

How to make Seafood Noodle Soup:

  • Before getting down to work, we list the ingredients that this seafood soup is going to have. To make the Christmas recipe more economical, we buy a variety of seafood preparations that we freeze, but you can buy them fresh and at the moment if you prefer.
  • We defrost the shellfish in the microwave so that they do not cook ahead of time. It took me about 10 minutes for everything to be ready. We do not throw the water away, since we will use it to make the seafood soup with noodles.
  • To start preparing the seafood soup, pour the fish broth into the pot and bring it to a boil with a pinch of salt. We booked.
  • Now let’s go for the sauce. First, chop the onion very finely and pass it through the pan until it browns. Then we add the garlic, which will take less time. Finally add the paprika, the pinch of black pepper and the rum. We let it give a chop-chop to continue cooking the seafood soup.
  • Finally, we add the tomato and take it all to the blender glass. We are going to leave the sauce for the seafood soup as a cream.
  • Let’s pour the creamed sauce into the pan along with the shellfish, which we crumble, its water, and also the noodles.
  • Let the seafood soup with fat noodles cook for about 10-12 minutes, or until the noodles are done. Then, we serve the Christmas soup piping hot and enjoy it accompanied by our loved ones.

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