Seafood Fideuá Recipe with Thermo Mix

The Catalan fideuá is a pasta dish made with fine noodles, which usually contains seafood and is almost always accompanied with the famous Mediterranean garlic sauce called aioli. Preparing this dish requires some patience, but don’t confuse patience with difficulty, since it’s really quite simple and even more so if you have a Thermo mix handy in your kitchen.

This seafood fideuá recipe will surely occupy a special place in our list of recipes with Thermo mix, so go ahead and prepare it as soon as possible, you will see that, taking advantage of your food processor will be a piece of cake. Let’s cook our seafood fideuá with Thermo mix!

Ingredients to make Seafood Fideuá with Thermo mix:

  1. 200 grams of Clams
  2. 200 grams of Prawns
  3. 80 milliliters of olive oil
  4. ½ liter of water
  5. 250 grams of red and green pepper
  6. 120 grams of Onion
  7. 150 grams of crushed tomato
  8. 2 garlic cloves
  9. 200 grams of squid rings
  10. 1 pinch of salt
  11. 1 piece of Saffron or food coloring
  12. 250 grams of Noodles (special for fideuá)

How to make Seafood Fideuá with Thermo mix:

  • Making this fideuá with Thermo mix takes a few steps, but don’t panic because you already know that with the Thermo mix, everything is much easier. So, before we start cooking, we are going to wash all the shellfish well.
  • To do this, soak the clams in cold water with salt for half an hour, so we make sure that they release all the sand they have inside. Also wash and peel the prawns, reserving the bodies.
  • Once this is done, place the shells of the prawns together with the heads together with 30 milliliters of oil in the glass. Program the Thermo mix to fry for 5 minutes, with Aroma mode at speed
  • When the machine stops, add the water and cook everything again, programming this time for 7 minutes, keeping the Aroma mode and the same speed at 2. After this time, you will have a wonderful seafood stock, which you must pass through a fine strainer. Wash the glass and reserve the broth that we will use later.
  • Next, place the vegetables in the glass together with the rest of the oil and begin by programming 5 seconds at speed 4 to chop the onions, peppers and garlic. Remember that the glass must be very clean.
  • Next, incorporate all the tomato and place the Aroma in the Thermo mix. Place the previously washed clams in this, and program the machine for 10 minutes, with Varoma mode and speed 1.
  • Check that the clams have done, discard any that have not opened and reserve the rest.
  • Now let’s go with the squid, add them to the glass to continue preparing our seafood fideuá and cook for 5 minutes, continuing with the Varoma mode but adding the turn to the left and the speed of the spoon.
  • Next, add all the fumet that we have previously reserved and season everything with the spices to taste. Repeat the programming again and cook for 7 more minutes.
  • Finally, add the pasta noodles and program for about 7-9 minutes, with a temperature of 100ºC, turn to the left and speed 1.
  • The cooking time will depend on the recommendation of the pasta manufacturer, check the label and program your Thermo mix for the necessary time.
  • When the Thermo mix has finished, place the seafood idea in a casserole along with the prawn bodies and clams. Let it rest for about 5 minutes to finish cooking and that’s it!
  • Enjoy this wonderful seafood fideuá with Thermo mix that has nothing to envy to a fideuá prepared on the fire. To decorate, place a few slices of lemon or of course, which cannot be missing near a good fideuá, a bowl with aioli. Bon Appetite!

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