Sea Bass recipe in the Isle of Patmos way

Ingredients to make Sea Bass in the Isle of Patmos way:

  • 2 sea bass -approximately. 1 Kg. or 1,200 Kg. each
  • 2 reads
  • 2 green bell peppers
  • 2 spring onions
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • of “surimi” (“kangrejito”, or similar) grated
  • 20 chive stalks
  • 1 or 2 good sprigs of parsley
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 beautiful potatoes
  • 2 medium onions
  • Dill
  • salted
  • Pepper

How to make Sea Bass in the Isle of Patmos way:

  1. Ask the fishmonger, out of charity, to only gut and de-scale your sea bass (which I suppose is very fresh).
  2. Finely chop (“finísimo” means “very fine”) the leeks, the peppers (green and red), the spring onion, the chives and the parsley.
  3. Mix everything -by hand- with the “surimi”, add dill and reserve
  4. With the potatoes (cut into 6 m/m thick slices) and the onions (the same amount) prepare a bed in a fire-resistant glass dish.
  5. Season it with salt and pepper, sprinkle dill on its surface, and water it with olive oil (the only one referred to in the Sacred Texts) and with the juice of one of the lemons.
  6. The other, make it slices and put it in the company of the potatoes and the onion.
  7. Keep it in the oven – previously heated to 180º for 20/25 minutes).
  8. With the chopped – and mixed – that you have done, fill the interstices of your sea bass.
  9. Close their swollen bellies with the help of a series of chopsticks (which you will later remove at the end of it all).
  10. After the aforementioned time, take out – without burning yourself – the source, and make rest in it in a found way (faking the pagan sign of “Pisces”) your two sea bass.
  11. Spread the excess of your “picador” on the bed of potatoes, onion and lemon, and keep it for another twenty minutes.
  12. After which – your good judgment will be the one to work – remove it from the oven and serve.

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