Scotch Eggs Recipe

Despite its name, this recipe for Scotch eggs, or Scotch eggs, is believed to have been invented in England in the 18th century, although there is no consensus on its city of origin. It consists of boiled eggs covered in a meat paste that is coated in batter and then fried or baked. They are a very delicious snack that used to be served for travelers.

Scotch eggs are enjoyed cold and it is very common to bring them to picnics to share. we don’t want you to miss out on this magnificent preparation; you’ll see that everyone at home loves it and, above all, the little ones. Discover how to make Scotch eggs step by step and accompany them with a fresh salad. Go for it!

Ingredients to make Scotch Eggs:

  • 3 eggs
  • 200 grams of minced beef
  • 2 pinches of oregano
  • 2 dessert spoons of Dijon mustard
  • 1 package of breadcrumbs
  • light frying oil
  • 2 pinches of nutmeg
  • Salt and black pepper to taste

How to make Scotch Eggs:

  1. Put a couple of eggs to cook and then reserve.
  2. On the other hand, divide the meat into two equal portions, season with the spices and knead it so that it is impregnated with all the flavors, do not forget to add the mustard last.
  3. Peel the cooked eggs and flatten the flesh into a circular shape to enclose the eggs.
  4. Place an egg on each piece of meat, grab a corner of the piece of Clingfilm and press round and form an egg-filled meatball.
  5. Trick: If you work the meat on a piece of plastic film, it will be much easier to make the shape of the photo.
  6. Once both balls are well rounded, prepare breadcrumbs on a plate. If you feel like it, add some chopped parsley and garlic powder.
  7.  Beat the egg with a little salt and get ready to coat the Scotch eggs.
  8. Tip: Prepare a deep frying pan with oil to fry; the oil must be quite hot.
  9. Remove the plastic wrap from the balls being careful not to undo them. Pass each one through the beaten egg and then through the breadcrumbs.
  10. When the oil is hot, add the Scotch eggs one at a time so that they fry without spoiling their shape.
  11. Remove them with a wooden paddle and do not leave them for more than a consecutive minute on each side. In total, let them fry for about 4 minutes on high heat.
  12. Take out the already fried balls and take them to a plate with absorbent kitchen paper.
  13. Your Scotch eggs will be ready! You can accompany them with a light layer of julienne

Scotch Eggs – Suggestions and other recipes

If you want to make a lighter, healthier version of this recipe, you can make Baked Scotch Eggs.

They are prepared in the same way, but they must be baked at 180 ° C for about 20 minutes.

Also, you’ll need to turn them every 5-7 minutes so they don’t burn, just like you would if you were frying them.


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