Scorpion fish Cake Recipe

The scorpion fish is a white fish from salty waters and very low in fat. Its scales have a rustic appearance and it is pink, very similar to other fish such as redfish.

The preparation that we are going to show you this time is a delicate and succulent recipe for scorpion fish cake, created by Chef Juan Mari Arzak. This cake is also called scorpion fish pudding or scorpion fish pate, and it is one of the traditional dishes of Austrian cuisine, where it is known as tiñosu.

This exquisite cake can also be prepared with hake, cod or redfish if you don’t have scorpion fish. However, the authentic cake from Asturias has scorpion fish, so this time we prepare the original recipe and we invite you to discover, how to make easy and delicious scorpion fish cake. Go for it!

Ingredients to make Scorpion fish Cake:

  • 2 scorpion fish
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 white onion
  • 4 celery stalks (stems only)
  • 1 sprig of fresh parsley
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 glass of cooking cream
  • 1 glass of homemade fried tomato
  • 1 piece of bell pepper

How to make Scorpion fish Cake:

  1. Important note: this fish is quite spiny, so you have to be careful when cleaning and deboning it. You can ask your fishmonger to clean it for you and save its head and central spines to make a completely delicious broth and thus make the most of cooking.
  2. To start with the scorpion fish pudding, prepare the vegetables, peeling the onion and carrot, cutting the celery and the parsley sprig. All this vegetable can be replaced by some other, such as leeks, or some more can be added. In any case, we thought this simple selection of vegetables that we normally have at home was excellent.
  3. Fill a pot with approximately two liters of water with a point of salt. Add the vegetables, the heads and backbones of the scorpion fish. Let it boil for 10 minutes and, after this time, add the cleaned scorpion fish fillets that will only cook for 15 minutes together with the rest of the previous ingredients.
  4. Tip: This fish broth is also great for soups, rice dishes and sauces, so you can simply strain it and store or freeze it.
  5. While the fish is cooking, prepare the ingredients for the Austrian scorpion fish cake. With these quantities, a scorpion fish pâté is produced for 8 diners.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 ºC with both resistances; fill the oven tray with water to make the cake in a bain-marie.
  7. Carefully remove the fillets from the pot and crumble with your fingers. Look for and remove any bones that may have remained in the meat. Don’t worry if you undo it because you’ll have to shred it later anyway.
  8. Trick: it is important to check very well so that no thorn enters the cake.
  9. You can beat the preparation for the scorpion fish cake in an American whisk or an arm or paddle mixer. Add the cream, the bell pepper, the tomato, the eggs, season to taste and, finally, add the shredded fish.
  10. Prepare a mold of approximately 20 cm and rectangular in shape. Brush the walls and the bottom with oil so that when remolding it is easier. Pour the scorpion fish cake mixture; it should have a slightly thick texture. Place the mold on a baking tray with water that reaches half the height of the cake.
  11. Open the door of the already preheated oven and place the container on the oven tray with water so that it cooks in a bain-marie. Bake the cake for 50 minutes at 180ºC, but always watching the oven in case it requires more or less time.
  12. To get the cooking right and leave it at its point, you must poke the center of the cake with a toothpick to check if it comes out clean, as this indicates that it will already be completely done. Take out and do not unmold, wait for it to cool for an hour and then cool completely in the fridge, better overnight.
  13. Unmold your traditional scorpion fish cake when it is completely cold and help yourself with a wooden palette to achieve it

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