Sautéed Tirabeques recipe

Snow peas are a kind of pod that can only be consumed during spring, after this time it is difficult to find them in the markets. They are like tender garden peas, edible and very old, since it is suspected that this food has existed for more than 7,000 years. Snow peas pods are very tender and are consumed whole, that is, with their pod. Its flavor is slightly sweet and with just a minimum point of bitterness, they are soft and light, therefore, in a few minutes they will be cooked. They have a short reproduction that is why they are only available for a few weeks in spring, after which the pods become somewhat hard and leathery, this also usually happens when you keep them for a long time in the fridge.

Its appearance is similar to that of the pea and its grains are small and rounded. In France they are highly appreciated and they are called pois, they also acquire the name of snow pea because they are grown in winter and grow without problem, but their harvest is very short and delicate. Do you dare to try these rich and tender pods with us? In this article we recommend cooking this sautéed food to enhance its flavor and obtain a very delicious dish. Read on and find out how to cook snow peas stir fry.

Ingredients to make Sautéed Snow Peels:

  • 300 grams of tirabecas
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 pinch of salt to taste

How to make Sauteed Snow Peas:

Wash the sugar snap peas, remove the ends and the strands, if any. With just these simple steps you have them ready to cook.

Pour the water into a saucepan or pot, salt to taste and heat over high heat until the water starts to boil. When it is boiling, add the snow peas and let them boil for 4 minutes over medium-high heat, then add more salt if you consider it necessary and drain carefully.

Tip: If you are not going to braise them for the moment, you should put them in very cold water so that the green color remains, then drain them.

Heat a little oil in the pan, slice the garlic cloves and fry them for 2 minutes, stirring. Do not let the garlic roast too much, it is preferable that the slices are rather thick.

Add the well-drained snow peas to the pan to avoid splashing, gently fry them, turning them over so that they fry evenly. Cook the sautéed snow peas for 3 minutes and they are ready.

Tip: You can make the sautéed snow peas with ham, with soy, with more vegetables… Depending on the type of food, you should cook it before or after adding the snow peas.

Serve them with a pinch of salt on top and a drizzle of olive oil. You can accompany this recipe for sautéed sugar snap peas with meat and fish or simply sauté them with onions or bits of ham, as we said in the previous step. They will be very versatile and you will surely love them.

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