Sautéed tenderloin with potatoes

Ingredients to make Sautéed tenderloin with potatoes:

  • 1 kilogram of Meat cut into sticks almost the size of your little finger. For two people maximum. You decide the amount
  • 1 kilogram of Potatoes to fry or already fried
  • 1 unit of Onion in Juliana to taste
  • 1 unit of cut tomatoes
  • 1 jar of garlic paste
  • 1 bottle of soy sauce
  • 1 bottle of vinegar always a quarter of what you decide to put in soy sauce
  • 1 bottle of oyster sauce, half of what you decide for vinegar
  • 1 bottle of virgin olive oil, a generous splash, salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 unit of Egg optional

How to make Sautéed Tenderloin with Potatoes:

  1. Ok, this preparation is for two people. The quantities are up to you. Note, it is not recommended to make quantities for more than two people
  2. The preparation is very fast, Have everything on hand ready to start In a large frying pan with a good bottom,
  3. Put the oil until it starts to smoke, don’t be scared, Add the meat with some salt and pepper, let it brown on one side and then shake the pan so that the other is browned with energy, so you sealed the meat, a culinary term.
  4. Ready is fast. Lower the intensity of the heat and reserve in another container or plate. In the same pan add a little more oil and once again the pan begins to smoke so that the smoke does not scare you.
  5. Then the onion, garlic, ginger and yellow pepper begin to sauté, add the soy sauce, vinegar and oyster. Add the meat, the cilantro in mincemeat. Shake the pan Ready…Now in your favorite dish to unleash your imagination. Serve how you would like…

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