Sautéed Mushrooms with Spinach Recipe

Learn how to prepare a delicious sautéed mushrooms with spinach, a dish so versatile that you can present it as a side dish, main dish or even use it as an ingredient for a little more elaborate recipes such as homemade empanadas or even a salty treat.

Mushrooms are one of the most consumed mushrooms in the world, we have access to them throughout the year and they can be prepared in many different ways. In this case we offer you a 100% vegan dish, where the mushrooms will be the protagonists along with a touch of color that we will give it with a wonderful portion of spinach.

Mushrooms provide us with many benefits, among them that they favor the purification of the body and have a satiating effect, which is why they are ideal in diets to lose weight. For its part, spinach is rich in minerals and vitamins, so do not hesitate to include it in your menu whenever you can.

Let’s go then with this rich recipe for sautéed mushrooms with spinach, a colorful, healthy and delicious dish!

Ingredients to make Sautéed Mushrooms with Spinach:

  • 500 grams of Mushrooms
  • 2 bunches of Spinach
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 8 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of white pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley

How to make Sautéed Mushrooms with Spinach:

We start working with the spinach, then put them to cook in boiling salted water. Spinach cooks super-fast, so add it to the pot when the water is already boiling, wait two minutes and then remove, drain and reserve.

On the other hand, we clean the mushrooms, we remove all the soil they may have and we cut the final part of the stem. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, as well as the 4 cloves of garlic.

If you prefer, you can compare the mushrooms already sliced ​​to save you this step. Now we can no longer put with our recipe, so we heat a pan with olive oil. Brown the slices of garlic, add the mushrooms along with a little salt and leave on the heat covered for about 5-10 minutes.

If we see that they have released water, we drain as much as possible, trying to leave some oil in the pan or casserole.

Then add the breadcrumbs to thicken the sauce that will release the sauce. Finally add the cooked spinach and stir well to integrate the flavors.

Keep cooking, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms are tender. Finally, sprinkle some chopped parsley on top and serve as a main dish or as a side dish.

Sautéed mushrooms with spinach go perfectly with some baked chicken thighs, although you can also use this mixture as a filling for homemade empanadas … don’t lack imagination when it comes to creating in the kitchen. To enjoy!

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