Sauteed Cauliflower Recipe

Sauteed Cauliflower Recipe

Sauteed Cauliflower Recipe

Salted cauliflower or cauliflower salt ado is one of the simplest dishes of Peruvian cuisine. Of course, the ease of preparing it does not prevent it from being delicious and nutritious. It is prepared with relatively few ingredients and is quite quick. It is a recipe to surprise!

One of its advantages is that you can prepare it with meat, chicken or also cook a vegetarian version. Do you dare to prepare it? Of course, the essential ingredient is fresh cauliflower and the Free Recipes directions. Everything else is just a few ingredients and a lot of love to obtain a delicious cauliflower stir-fry. We invite you to continue reading to discover how to make salted cauliflower, a Peruvian recipe that you will love.

Ingredients to make Sauteed Cauliflower:Sauteed Cauliflower Recipe

  • 1 medium cauliflower
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 250 grams of chicken or meat
  • 1 purple onion
  • ½ red bell pepper
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 4 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 cloves of garlic grated
  • Salt, pepper and cumin to taste

How to make Sauteed Cauliflower:


To start with this cauliflower stew with chicken or meat, heat water in a pot and, when it boils, add the cauliflower chopped into medium florets. Let it cook over low heat for approximately 15 minutes.


Meanwhile, peel and chop the French fries and fry them in plenty of oil. So that the potatoes have a better consistency, soak them in cold water with some salt for at least 1 hour. Of course, remember to dry them well with a napkin before frying them.

Tip: wait until the oil is very hot before adding the potatoes and watch them carefully so they don’t burn.


Drain the already fried potatoes on blotting paper and reserve.


When the cauliflower is ready, strain it and reserve.


Now, fry the chicken or meat chopped into pieces and previously seasoned with salt, garlic, pepper and cumin.


When the chicken is well browned, add the cauliflower. Mix well so that the flavor of the chicken is well impregnated. Cook for a minute.


Now add the julienned onion. Mix and cook for a minute.


Add the paprika and, after another minute, the tomato. It doesn’t need to be overcooked. In the end, the ingredients must be noted separately to obtain a colorful and beautiful dish.


It is time to add the soy sauce. The four tablespoons of sauce are referential, you can add more or less according to your taste.

Tip: be careful when adding a lot of soy sauce because it tends to be salty.


Let cook for a minute or two. Correct the salt point and turn off. Finally, add the French fries that you had in reserve and stir well, but carefully so that the vegetables remain whole. Serve the sautéed cauliflower with hot soy sauce and accompanied by white rice.

Sauteed cauliflower – Suggestions and other recipes

As we told you at the beginning, cauliflower saute can be made with many other ingredients. If you are looking for, for example, a version of vegetarian cauliflower stir-fry, you can eliminate the meats and add other ingredients such as peas. On the other hand, you can also make cauliflower with pork, egg or even tuna.

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