Sausage and Potato Salad Recipe

Potato salads are always very simple recipes and the best thing is that they allow you to make new combinations every time, like the one we will make today with the classic mixture of potato, carrot and onion to which we will add a touch of mayonnaise, parsley and sausage. Yummy!

Gather the ingredients and learn how to prepare this delicious sausage and potato salad, a perfect cold dish for any occasion. With these ingredients no one will resist and you will have a delicious dish ready in less than you think.

Ingredients to make Sausage and Potato Salad:

• 3 large potatoes

• 2 carrots

• 2 white onions

• 4 ranch or frankfurter sausages

• 4 sprigs of coriander

• 100 grams of Mayonnaise

• 1 pinch of salt

How to make Sausage and Potato Salad:

We start by preparing the vegetables. To do this you must peel the carrot, cut it in half like the potato, add a tablespoon of salt and place it to boil in a container for approximately 20 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the onion finely, as seen in the photo, into small cubes. After boiling the potato and carrot, drain well and chop into cubes. When you have everything, place it in a container and mix with the onion.

If you want to make this sausage salad faster, you can also buy the vegetables already cut and ready to boil.

Let the mixture cool to room temperature and add the finely chopped coriander. Mix well so that everything is distributed evenly. At this point you can also add extras like peas or corn to taste.

Grill or boil the sausages and cut them into slices. When you have them, join with the other ingredients and mix well.

Finally we incorporate the mayonnaise and correct the seasoning of the salad with a pinch of salt, if necessary.

Remember that you can use homemade mayonnaise in this recipe or if you prefer, you can also prepare flavored sauces such as avocado mayonnaise. The sausage and potato salad is served cold and can be presented as an appetizer or as a side dish for any type of dish.

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