Sausage and cheese croquettes recipe with Thermomix

Croquettes are those pieces of dough made with mincemeats of thousands of flavors.  Croquetas are a typical tapa in many regions of Spain, although they are known all over the world. If you like croquettes, you are looking for a fun recipe for the little ones in the house and you have a thermomix, this interests you. Learn step by step how to prepare delicious sausage and cheese croquettes with a thermomix, an ideal dish for children due to its combination of flavor and smooth texture. Go ahead and make some easy croquettes with thermomix.

Ingredients to make sausage and cheese croquettes with Thermomix:

  • 300 grams of milk
  • 130 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of frankfurter sausages
  • 4 units of Cheese
  • 1 unit of Egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of Nutmeg
  • 1 cup of breadcrumbs

How to make sausage and cheese croquettes with Thermomix:

The first step to make these croquettes with thermomix will be to chop the sausages. To do this, place the sausages in the glass and program for 10 seconds with speed 3 and a half. Reserve the sausages separately.

Then, and without washing the glass of the thermomix, add the rest of the ingredients, except the egg and the breadcrumbs. Program for 6 minutes at speed 5 but this time with a temperature of 90º. The dough will begin to thicken after the first few minutes, when you see this process begin, lower the speed to 3 and then remove the glass from the thermomix and let it rest until it reaches room temperature.

Put the glass back in the machine and continue preparing the children’s sausage croquettes. Add the egg without beating and program for 30 seconds with speed 3 without temperature. After 30 seconds, add the reserve sausages at the beginning and mix thoroughly with the help of the spatula.

With the dough for the sausage and cheese croquettes ready, what remains is to shape the dough. To do this, let the dough cool on a flat plate and then knead it into croquettes or balls, then pass it through breadcrumbs and fry in very hot oil. Remove excess oil from the croquettes with absorbent paper and enjoy this delicacy with the little ones at home, accompanying it with a Russian salad or mashed potatoes.

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