Santiago Cake with chocolate recipe

The tarta de Santiago or torta compostelana is a typical Galician dessert made from a few simple ingredients, which together achieve an explosion of flavor with a texture that is unique on the palate. In fact, in the original recipe only sugar, eggs and ground almonds are used instead of wheat flour. This ancient dessert has existed since 1577, when it began to be made in the city of Galicia. Since then, over the years, this rich recipe has spread among Galician compatriots, becoming not only a local tradition, but it has managed to cross borders and captivate the palates of many who have had the pleasant privilege of tasting such a delicacy.

There are many adaptations of this national recipe, such as the Santiago chocolate cake, however, there are many other types of them. It should be noted that chocolate is an added ingredient in order to enhance the original flavor of the cake without losing its essence in terms of textures. If you want to try this delicious and simple recipe, we will explain the step by step to know how to make Santiago chocolate cake.

Ingredients to make Santiago Cake with chocolate:

  • 250 grams of crushed or ground almonds
  • 4 eggs
  • 250 grams of white sugar
  • 70 grams of butter at room temperature
  • 1 lemon (zest)
  • 20 grams of cocoa powder
  • 125 grams of fondant type dark chocolate
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon to taste

How to make Santiago Cake with chocolate:

  1. In a bowl and with the help of a mixer, mix the butter and the eggs.
  2.  Once integrated, add the sugar and lemon zest. It is necessary to beat until the mixture is white and a creamy consistency is achieved.
  3. Melt the dark chocolatein a bain-marie and, once melted, let it warm up a bit.
  4.  Proceed to add the melted chocolate in the form of threads in the bowl with the previous preparation, then add the cocoa powder and mix well until the ingredients are unified.
  5. Having a homogeneous mixture, gradually add the ground almonds and cinnamon and mix with a spatula making enveloping movements.
  6. In a greased and floured mold, empty the mixture evenly.
  7. Next, take the Santiago cake with chocolate to the oven previously preheated to about 160 º
  8. Cand bake for approximately 25 minutes or until you check its doneness by inserting a toothpick and it comes out free of mixture.
  9. Once the cake is ready, let it cool for about 15 or 20 minutes to unmold it and sprinkle cocoa powder to decorate or icing sugar.

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