Sancho Vallejo Recipe

Ingredients to make Sancho Vallejo:

  • 1 unit of Chicken
  • 2 units of green pepper
  • 2 units of Onion
  • 3 sprigs of chives
  • 1 unit of Tomato
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 dessert spoon of ground cumin
  • 5 Cilantro Cimarron leaves
  • 2 units of green banana
  • 2 units of Cassava
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper

How to make Sancho Vallejo:

  1. Place 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan, cut the peppers into small squares, the onions, the tomato, the garlic, the cumin, add the salt and pepper and let it fry, trying to make a sauce.
  2. In a large pot, place 3 liters of water and add the whole hen or, if you prefer, prey, also add the sauce that we already made in the pan and let it boil until the hen is almost soft. Add the wild cilantro, the plantain, and after it has boiled another 15 minutes, add the yucca, until it is soft, if you prefer, add a little chopped common cilantro to the broth and serve.

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