Salty Pasta Recipe

Ingredients to make Savory Pastas:

  • 500 grams of frozen puff pastry
  • 50 grams of sobrassada
  • 20 raw almonds
  • 3 frankfurters
  • 100 grams of York ham in a piece
  • 2 desalted anchovies
  • 4 cheeses
  • Grated cheese
  • Oregano
  • 3 egg yolks to paint the pasta

How to make Savory Pastas:

Let the puff pastry thaw at room temperature and cut the sheet into four parts, stretch each one with a rolling pin and fill each sheet with one of the ingredients. Roll up like a little gypsy arm. Place them on a baking sheet and brush them with the egg yolk. Bake for about ten minutes at 200º in a preheated oven. Decorate the different pastas with sesame, grain mustard, grated cheese, etc… To differentiate the flavors.

Notes: The sobrassada and the foyers have to be mixed with a little flour so that when they are put in the oven they do not fall apart as much.

Work the sobrassada or foie gras mixture with the flour and use for the filling. When placing the pasta on the plate, be careful to put them separately since when melting they tend to join together. Put the sobrasada ones all on the same side and make a barrier with aluminum foil so that the oil from it does not impregnate the other pastas.

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