Salted Sea Bass Recipe

This time we bring you a very simple and healthy way to prepare fish: a recipe for sea bass in salt. Although at first glance it seems that the salt will make this sea bass dish very salty, it is quite the opposite, since the salt forms a layer that cooks the fish and leaves it juicy and with a lot of flavor.

Preparing any fish in salt is a very successful option for a party or celebration meal. In addition, it does not take much time to prepare, so in no time you will have a great dish. Find out for yourself how easy it is and learn how to make sea bass in salt.

Ingredients to make sea bass in salt:

  • 2 units of sea bass of 600 gr. each
  • 2 kilograms of special salt to make the salted fish
  • 1 glass of water

How to make sea bass in salt:

  1. Prepare the ingredients for the sea bass in salt. In the fishmonger they will clean the sea bass to bake it. Turn on the oven to preheat it to 200ºC with heat up and down.
  2. In a large bowl, put the coarse salt for the fish, add the water and, with your hands, stir well so that everything is mixed and you have a compact and hard crust around the fish.
  3. Take a baking tray and put a part of the salt on the base.
  4. Put the sea bass in the salt on the tray. Go adding salt on top of the sea bass, covering them well, while pressing with your hands so that they are well covered by the salt.
  5. Put the tray with the sea bass in the oven. Put the tray in the middle and bake. The time for sea bass to salt is about 20-25 minutes, but this depends on how big the sea bass is. In this case, we had them for 25 minutes. After time, take out the tray. Remove the salt crust with the help of a kitchen mallet. Hit them and, with a knife, go cutting the salt crust and lift it up.
  6. Place the salted sea bass in a bowl and remove the skin; it will come out very easily. The sea bass meat will look smooth and juicy; it will be delicious because it will have been cooked with its own juices. Scoop out pieces of the sea bass meat and arrange them on plates, leaving the central spine. Take off the meat very well from the spine.

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