Salmon recipe with hollandaise sauce and chips

Ingredients to make Salmon with Hollandaise sauce and chips:

  • 4 thick salmon slices
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of water
  • 2-3 peppercorns
  • a bay leaf
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 90 gr. butter
  • Pinch of lemon juice
  • 300 gr. green peas
  • 8 small potatoes to accompany.

How to make Salmon with hollandaise sauce and chips:

  1. Wrap the salmon slices, lightly seasoned, with aluminum foil, greased on the inside with a little butter. Heat a pot with water, enough to cover the salmon packets.
  2. When it starts to boil, add the fish and cook over a very low heat for about 20 minutes.
  3. While the fish is cooking, we steam the peeled potatoes and peas.
  4. Prepare the hollandaise sauce by heating the vinegar, water, peppercorns and bay leaf in a saucepan over high heat.
  5. When it has reduced by half, remove from the heat and let it rest until it is lukewarm.
  6. Pour over the egg yolks in a bowl, straining to remove bay leaf and pepper.
  7. Beat with a whisk, placing the bowl over a pot with very hot water, but without letting it boil, that is, in a soft water bath.
  8. Beat over heat until the yolk mixture thickens quite a bit and is pale.
  9. If you see that it is getting too hot, remove the bowl from the water bath and continue beating separately. Gradually add the softened butter and cut into small pieces, continuing to beat in a bain-marie.
  10. The traditional way is to use clarified butter, although it is very laborious to make. Once the cream is thick and creamy, set aside and add the lemon juice and a pinch of salt, continuing to beat.
  11. The hollandaise sauce must be made at the time of serving; it should not be made in advance or saved for another day.
  12. Once the fish is ready, it is drained and removed from the foil.
  13. Serve this recipe for salmon with hollandaise sauce accompanied by the warm sauce and some steamed peas and potatoes.
  14. You can pair it with a dry, fresh white wine.

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