Salmon Nigiri Recipe

In this recipe we bring the famous nigiri which are sushi rice-based snacks accompanied by any protein you want, in this case fresh salmon, this is something very traditional in Japanese food and can also be made with shrimp. Let’s see the step by step of the recipe and the ingredients.

Ingredients to make Salmon Nigiri:

  • 1 cup of cooked sushi rice
  • 1 jar of cream cheese
  • 1 jar of teriyaki sauce
  • 1 unit of nori seaweed
  • 300 grams of fresh salmon

How to make Salmon Nigiri:

  1. The first step to make our recipe is to prepare the ingredients for the salmon nigiri.
  2. Let’s remember that since we are working with much agglutinated rice we must have a bowl with water to be able to moisten our hands and manipulate the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Cut the nori seaweed with the help of scissors into thin strips as shown in the photograph. What these are going to do is help support the salmon when assembling the nigiri.
  4. Make balls the size of a bite with an oval shape so that we can add the fresh salmon on top of it. If you want to know how to make rice properly, follow the sushi rice recipe.
  5. Add some pieces of fresh salmon on top of the rice pieces. Ideally, the salmon cut should be uniform, so that all homemade nigiri are the same.
  6. Add a little cream cheese to each of the nigiri as shown in the photograph and wrap everything with the seaweed strips and decorate with teriyaki sauce. Serve the salmon nigiri accompanied with wasabi or soy sauce, do not forget to eat at the moment.

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