Salmon and Leek Quiche Recipe

Quiche is one of our favorite dishes for its versatility and easy preparation. In addition, it allows us to take advantage of leftovers from other meals and, therefore, deserves a place in our recipe book. This time we share a delicious salmon and leek quiche recipe, in which we also teach how to make the whole wheat quiche dough. You dare? Do you want to try this succulent dish? Well, keep reading and discover the step by step.

Ingredients to make Salmon and Leek Quiche:

For the mass:

• 200 grams of whole meal flour (1⅓ cups)

• 85 grams of softened butter

• 50 milliliters of water

• 1 dessert spoon of salt

For the filling:

• 500 grams of salmon

• 1 leek

• 2 tomatoes

• 4 eggs

• 1 milk cream

• 2 sprigs of rosemary

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 150 grams of grated mozzarella cheese

• 1 pinch of black pepper

• 1 pinch of salt

How to make Salmon and Leek Quiche:

The first thing to do to prepare the salmon and leek quiche is to cook the fish. To do this, we recommend steaming the salmon, since in this way we manage to maintain all its properties and prevent it from releasing water later. Add salt and rosemary, and cook for 20-30 minutes. And if you want to know how to make it in the microwave, don’t miss our microwave steamed salmon recipe.

While the salmon is cooking, prepare the quiche dough. To do this, in a bowl or a food processor, mix the flour with the butter, water and salt until you obtain a homogeneous and consistent dough. Form a ball and let it rest in the fridge for 20 minutes. When the salmon is ready, we reserve it for a moment while we continue with the preparation of the salmon and leek quiche filling. Thus, finely chop the leek and sauté it with a drizzle of olive oil. Add the chopped seedless tomato and continue to sauté for another minute. We remove from the fire.

We remove the salmon skin and bones, and shred the meat into pieces of the desired size. We have opted for medium pieces, neither too large nor too small. We remove the dough from the fridge, spread it with a rolling pin and cover the base of the mold with it, also occupying the walls. If there is any leftover, we can save it to make tartlets stuffed with broccoli, for example. Prick the base with a fork and bake the dough for 10 minutes in a preheated oven at 180ºC.

To finish preparing the filling for the salmon and leek quiche, in a bowl, beat the eggs with the cream, add salt and pepper to taste. Then, we add the salmon and the leek and tomato sauce to integrate all the ingredients. We mix very carefully to prevent the salmon from falling apart, since we want the pieces of fish to be noticed. Place the filling on the dough and bake the salmon and leek quiche for 30-40 minutes, keeping the same temperature.

After the cooking time, add the grated cheese and return to the oven to melt and, if we like, gratin. The time will depend on the final result that we want to obtain.

Clever! We can now serve our salmon and cheese quiche as an aperitif or as a dinner. This dish can be eaten hot, cold or lukewarm, and can be accompanied with a caprese salad, an avocado salad … the possibilities are endless!

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