Salmon and avocado canapés recipe

Canapés are an excellent option as appetizers for any occasion. Whether it’s for a family meal, a birthday party or a company dinner, these toasted rolls go well at any time. For this reason, we bring you this recipe for salmon and avocado canapés, which will surprise you because of how simple and quick it is to make. It is also a very nutritious snack, since both salmon and avocado are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

Ingredients to make Salmon and Avocado Canapés:

  • 5 slices of smoked salmon
  • 1 avocado
  • ¼ lettuce
  • ¼ fresh onion
  • ¼ Tomato
  • 20 toasted buns
  • 5 teaspoons of virgin olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Salmon and Avocado Canapés:

To start preparing this salmon and avocado canapé, we will start by making a vinaigrette: we have to finely chop the lettuce, avocado, onion and tomato.

When we have everything chopped, we put it in a bowl and season it with salt, vinegar and virgin olive oil, and mix everything well. Finally, on a small piece of toasted bread, put a spoonful of the previous vinaigrette and a slice of smoked salmon on top, and repeat this operation with the rest of the rolls. We can buy them already toasted or make them ourselves, cutting slices of bread and browning them in a toaster, as we like. Then we place all the salmon and avocado canapés on a platter and serve them. And that’s it! Enjoy some simple canapés for all occasions.

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