Salad Recipe with Yogurt Sauce

We are going to prepare a salad with yogurt sauce, a different dressing, very fresh and light. Salads are a very appetizing dish that we can eat all year round, since we can prepare them very varied depending on the season we are in. If you always dress your salad with the same vinaigrette, this yogurt sauce will make your salad different.

If you are following a strict diet to lose weight, don’t worry, we will also tell you how to adapt the recipe so that you can still enjoy this delicious sauce. We will make it with Greek yogurt, since being creamier is perfect for making sauce. However, it can be easily replaced by other less fatty and lighter yogurts. Do you like the idea? Well, take note and discover how to make salad with yogurt sauce.

Ingredients to make Salad with yogurt sauce:

  1. 1 bag of mixed lettuce
  2. 1 carrot
  3. 1 onion
  4. 3 radishes
  5. 1 handful of walnuts
  6. 1 piece of Greek cheese

For the yogurt sauce

  1. 1 Greek yogurt
  2. 1 lemon
  3. 1 dessert spoon of ground garlic
  4. 1 handful of chopped parsley
  5. 1 pinch of salt
  6. 1 splash of olive oil (optional)

How to make Salad with yogurt sauce:

  • Prepare all the ingredients to make the salad with yogurt sauce. If you don’t want to use Greek yogurt because of its high fat content, you can use plain yogurt without sugar or skimmed yogurt.
  • Wash the lettuce leaves well, dry them and chop them. Then, put them on a plate or in a bowl, depending on the amount you are going to make.
  • Tip: You can adapt the quantities to your liking depending on the number of guests.
  • Peel and chop the onion, wash the radishes and cut them into slices or small pieces. You can make the salad with yogurt sauce by varying the ingredients without any problem, so you can add zucchini, pepper…
  • Arrange the above ingredients on the lettuce plate.
  • Peel, clean and grate the carrots. You can also cut them into thin slices, but this way the children will eat them better.
  • Chop the nuts and cut the white cheese into pieces. Add all these ingredients to the dish.
  • Prepare the yogurt sauce. To do this, put the yogurt in a bowl and beat it with a spoon or fork to make it creamy. Then add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Tip: If you use another type of yoghurt you will have to beat it anyway.
  • Wash the parsley, dry it and chop it. Add it to the yogurt sauce and also add the minced garlic.
  • Mix everything well, add a little salt and a splash of oil, although the latter is optional. Taste the sauce and rectify what you consider, you can add more lemon, salt or ground garlic. Beat everything well, put it in a glass bowl or sauce boat and leave the sauce in the fridge for a while so that it is very fresh.
  • You can dress the salad with the sauce or serve it separately so that each diner can add the amount they want. Now you can enjoy this delicious recipe for salad with yogurt sauce! Now that you know what the salad with yogurt sauce has, go ahead and experiment by modifying the ingredients as you wish. You could even add chopped boiled chicken breast to the salad for extra flavor and texture.

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