Salad recipe to gain muscle mass

In this special recipe for athletes we present a very good option to include in your daily meal, it is a protein salad made with spinach, rice and roast chicken that contains 32 grams of carbohydrates and 43 grams of protein per serving. Stay at and learn how to prepare a delicious salad to gain muscle mass.

Ingredients to make Salad to gain muscle mass:

• 170 grams of chicken breast

• ½ cup spinach

• 1 piece of tomato

• 2 tablespoons of feta cheese

• ½ cup of rice

• 2 pieces of Lemon

• 1 pinch of dill

• ½ teaspoon pepper

• ½ teaspoon garlic powder

How to make Salad to gain muscle mass:

We will start cooking our protein salad by macerating the chicken. To do this, place the chicken breasts in a clean plastic bag, bathe them with the lemon juice, pepper and garlic powder. Mix well so that the chicken is well covered with the marinade and refrigerate.

On the other hand, cook half a cup of rice with a cup of water for 20 minutes, although this time may vary depending on the rice we use. When it is ready, turn off the heat and let it rest, covering the pot with a clean cloth for about 5 to 10 minutes. Rest is important to achieve the sweet spot. Wash and disinfect the vegetables. Once clean, cut the tomato into slices and reserve. Also cut the spinach into not very thick strips and reserve. The next step is to roast the chicken trying not to add fat. For this you can use a non-stick pan, but if you don’t have one, use your regular pan and spray it with half a teaspoon of olive oil.

Once the chicken is well cooked, let cool a bit and cut into not very large cubes. To finish, serve the rice with the spinach, chicken and tomato. Add two tablespoons of feta cheese and season with a pinch of dill. We hope you enjoy this salad to gain muscle mass, especially if you practice sports. I recommend combining it with a pomegranate smoothie.


• You can use brown rice

• Add garlic powder to rice to give it more flavor

• If you can’t get garlic powder, season the rice with finely minced garlic or diced onion

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