Salad Recipe 7 floors

Ingredients to make Salad 7 floors:

• 1 layer of 1 romaine lettuce

• 1 layer of 5 boiled eggs

• 1 layer of 1 can of sweet peas

• 1 layer of 1 bag of Bacon

• 1 layer of Parmesan cheese

• 1 layer of Cheddar Cheese or your choice

• 1 purple onion

• Mayonnaise

How to make Salad 7 floors:

Chop the onion into very small pieces. Chop the eggs in the same way. If you can’t find the bag of bacon, buy the package and put it in the microwave to toast and then shred it. Put all the ingredients in layers in a container and refrigerate it. When serving, mix with mayonnaise. Bon Appetite.

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