Sabayon Recipe

Sabayon, sambayon or zabaione is an originally Italian recipe that is prepared with egg yolks, sugar and wine. It is a kind of cream that is recommended to be eaten hot or warm, although it can also be enjoyed cold as a custard.

The sabayon, which today has spread to countries like Argentina, needs a lot of caution to make it. Although it has few ingredients, it is important to take care that it does not cut or dry too much during cooking, as well as to measure its ingredients very well. Don’t worry, in this article we’ll tell you how to make zababion step by step so that it turns out delicious, with a delicate texture and an eye-catching presentation. Stay with us and don’t miss out on this sabayon recipe, a traditional and unique dessert.

Ingredients to make Sabayon:

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 4 tablespoons of icing sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of port wine

How to make Sabayon:

  1. Start by preparing a manageable bowl to make the mixture, then you can change to one suitable for cooking in a bain-marie.
  2.  Meanwhile, heat a pot full of water, taking care that it does not overflow when you insert the bowl for the bain-marie.
  3. Pour the sugar mixture with the egg yolks (only the yolks) into a container.
  4. Stir until completely mixed and, if you used icing sugar, you will see that it will be easier.
  5.  Next, add the wine to the mixture, continue stirring and unify the ingredients.
  6. Transfer the mixture to the cooking container and place it over the pot with the hot water. Stir constantly and without letting it start to boil.
  7.  Thus, it will maintain a medium temperature while the zabayon acquires a thick consistency.
  8. Trick: you should not stop stirring to avoid lumps.
  9. Divide into individual containerswhen the zabayon cream has finished thickening and, if desired, serve with some biscuits or sweet biscuits.
  10. As we already told you, the zabaione can be eaten hot or warm, but if you want it cold, leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and it will be ready.

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