Rossejat or Arrosejat Rice Recipe

The arrosejat or paella de rossejat is a rice that is usually made in Castellón, a very seafood dish that is similar to arroz a banda. The main secret is to have a good broth that is prepared with rock fish with a strong flavor, and then all that remains is to make the rossejat rice, which is very simple. The word arrossejat means golden in Valencian, and it is due to the fact that the rice is sautéed until it takes on that color.

Ingredients to make rossejat or arrosejat rice:

  1. 1 liter of fish broth
  2. 500 grams of normal rice or bomb
  3. 1 fresh or frozen squid
  4. 1 red pepper
  5. 1 pinch of Paprika (from Vera)
  6. 1 ripe tomato grated
  7. 1 pinch of salt
  8. 1 pinch of food coloring
  9. 1 clove garlic
  10. 1 splash of virgin olive oil

How to make rossejat or arrosejat rice:

  • The first thing we will do to make this rossejat rice is cut the squid into more or less equal rings and reserve. Then clean and cut the red pepper into small pieces. Then heat the oil in a paellón and fry the garlic (whole with skin), add the squid rings and the pieces of pepper, continue frying until the squid is tender.
  • Add the tomato and let it cook well.
  • Trick: This rosette rice is usually cooked only with the fish broth, but I like to add some clean shellfish, although you can do it only with rice and broth.
  • When the tomato is fried, add a pinch of Vera paprika (optional) and stir immediately. Add the rice and see stirring over low heat until golden brown.
  • Next, add about a liter of fish broth, taste the salt and add the coloring.
  • Tip: With the rice dishes that are fried like this recipe for arrosejat, you have to take into account that you put twice as much broth as rice. One way not to make a mistake is to measure the rice with a cup, so you always put two cups of rice for a cup of rice.
  • Let the rossejat dares, as they say in Valencian, boil for about 20 minutes: 10 over high heat and the other 10 over moderate or slow heat.
  • If you liked this rossejat rice recipe or have any questions, leave me a comment. You have more rice recipes on my blog Tangerines and honey, come in and check it out!
  • Trick: The ideal fish to prepare the broth are usually conger eel, monkfish, sea bream, scorpion fish…the ones you find but that are rock fish.

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