Romanescu recipe with ham

If you want to taste a rich and flavorful dish, don’t miss this recipe for romanescu with ham, a light and easy-to-prepare recipe that everyone will like. Also, if you are a great lover of vegetables and want to cook a seasonal vegetable, you will love this dish. You can even prepare an exquisite onion and ham sauce to accompany.

In this article we teach you how to make romanescu with easy ham, a totally delicious and healthy recipe. Don’t miss it and learn to cook with us!

Ingredients to make Romanescu with ham:

  • 1 Romanescu
  • 1 onion
  • 100 grams of serrano ham
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Romanescu with ham:

To start with the romanescu with ham recipe, you must first clean the romanescu, separate it into shoots and wash with water under the tap.

Place a pot with plenty of water and a handful of salt. Next, when the water starts to boil add the romanescu sprouts, leave them for about 15 minutes or until you see them cooked. When you notice that it is, reserve and save a little of the cooking water. We point out that you can also make the steamed romanescu, you just have to add a little water in a pan and place another with holes on top, cover and let it cook. This cooking system will cause the vegetables to lose fewer properties and not soak up water.

Tip: if you like it aldente you should leave the romanescu in the water for a few minutes less.

Chop the onion into pieces or strips and the ham into cubes. Next, place a large saucepan on the heat with a splash of oil, add the onion and let it cook until it begins to color. Then, add the ham in cubes and let it cook for a few minutes all together.

In the pan, add a few tablespoons of the water used to cook the romanescu. Also incorporate a little salt and try to finish rectifying.

Tip: you must be careful with the salt, since the ham is salty and when cooked it will add even more flavor.

Incorporate the cooked vegetables together with the onion and the ham, let everything cook together for a few minutes and serve the romanescu sautéed with ham. What did you think of this recipe? Tell us in the comments your opinion.

Tip: you can add more water from cooking the vegetables, this will give the dish more flavor.

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