Rogel Cake Recipe

This emblematic dessert of Argentine confectionery was born in 1960 at the home of a married couple whose objective was to support themselves financially by selling this cake around the neighborhood and later, to important pastry shops. Originally this dessert had 8 layers and a fondant coating.

We currently know this dessert as the Italian meringue, the 8 layers mark the minimum limit and the dulce de leche becomes more important as it is the key to this cake. Wondering how to make Rogel cake? Follow these steps of this article and learn how to cook a delicious Rogel cake with us. Do not miss this classic Argentine recipe!

Ingredients to make Rogel Cake:

  • 300 grams of flour 0000
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt
  • 100 cubic centimeters of water
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons of ethyl alcohol
  • To fill:
  • 250 grams of traditional dulce de leche
  • 250 grams of pastry dulce de leche
  • For the meringue:
  • 240 grams of sugar
  • 100 cubic centimeters of water
  • 120 grams of egg whites (approx. 4 units)

How to make Rogel Cake:

  1. Start by preparing the masses of your Rogel cake. To do this, make a crown with the flour on a clean allowance.
  2. In the center, pour the water, the melted butter, the salt and the alcohol. Integrate all the ingredients from the center out to obtain a smooth dough.
  3. Cover the dough and let it restfor approximately 20 minutes.
  4. After that time, cut the dough into 8 equal parts.
  5. Stretch each part as thin as you canbetween two sheets of film or separators.
  6. Take them to a non – stick oven plate or to a stream with butter and flour.
  7. Prick them and cook them in an oven at 180ºC for approximately 10-12 minutes, until they are golden.
  8. Spread 1 of them with the pastry dulce de leche together with the traditional one, mix them.
  9.  Overlap another dough and spread it too. Repeat this procedure until you reach the last dough, leave the latter unspread.
  10. On the other hand, prepare the Italian meringue. To do this, heat the sugar with the water, it must cover the sugar.
  11.  Pour the water slowly so that the sugar does not rise to the edges of the pot.
  12. Heat in a saucepan over medium heat until it reaches 118ºC while you beat the egg whites until stiff. The Rogel cake recipe is almost ready!
  13. Pour the syrup in the form of a thread over the egg whites and beat until the container is at room temperature, the meringue is shiny and it stays in the container.
  14. Cover the surface of the Rogel cake with the Italian meringue and enjoy this delicacy. You can brown the meringue with a blowtorch or by taking it to the oven.
  15. You could also decorate it with threads of melted chocolate, colored sprinkles or edible pearls.

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