Risotto recipe with peas and broad beans

Ingredients to make Risotto with peas and broad beans:

  • 400 gr. of rice
  • 1 l. chicken broth
  • 2 spring onions
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 200 gr. of peas
  • 200 gr. of broad beans
  • 100 gr. parmesan cheese
  • extra virgin olive oil Hojiblanca
  • Salt

How to make Rissoto with peas and broad beans:

  1. Shell the beans and peas. Finely chop the onions and garlic cloves. Put them to brown in a casserole with a little oil.
  2. If you have some tender and small broad bean pods, clean them, remove the ends and cut them into 2-centimeter sticks and add them to the casserole.
  3. Add the rice, season and cook briefly. Pour in a little of the hot broth and stir from time to time so that the rice cooks, absorbing the liquid little by little. Repeat the operation successively until you finish all the broth.
  4. After approximately 14 minutes, add the peas and broad beans. When done, add half of the grated cheese. Serve in a bowl and decorate with some slices of cheese.
  5. The Italians say that it should be legato, that is, united, bound, which is more easily achieved with a rice that slowly releases starch throughout cooking, hence its cooking method, adding the liquid or bouillon, hot to boiling point, in small amounts each time and successively so that the rice cooks absorbing the liquid little by little.

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