Ricotta and Spinach Gnocchi Recipe

If you want to prepare a good, easy homemade gnocchi recipe for any occasion, don’t miss this one offered to make delicious ricotta and spinach gnocchi to lick your fingers. In addition to being delicious, its preparation is very simple to do and you only need a few ingredients. Go ahead, try them and tell us what you think of these homemade ricotta gnocchi!

Ingredients to make ricotta and spinach gnocchi:

  1. 1 bunch of spinach
  2. 300 grams of Flour 000
  3. 400 grams of Ricotta
  4. 2 eggs
  5. salted
  6. black pepper
  7. basil
  8. parmesan
  9. Toilet

How to make ricotta and spinach gnocchi:

  • The first thing we will do to prepare these ricotta gnocchi with spinach is to remove the stems from the spinach and wash them well. Then we put a pot with water and when it is boiling, we cook the spinach for a few minutes.
  • Next, we drain the spinach. Now we have two ways to make homemade ricotta gnocchi: if we have an electric mixer, we just have to introduce all the ingredients except cheese, basil and water, but if you don’t have one, we can do it the following way. Traditional, which is what I am explaining to you now. Chop the spinach very finely and place it in a bowl with the ricotta, the eggs and a handful of the Parmesan cheese. Then add a little salt and pepper and mix everything well until you get a smooth paste.
  • Next, introduce the flour little by little into the bowl so that the ricotta and spinach gnocchi dough takes shape until it is smooth and soft and does not stick to your fingers.
  • Trick: The amount of flour is not exact, but approximate, so you see adding depending on how the dough is turning out.
  • Then take some of the homemade gnocchi dough and form rounded strips with your hands, not too thick (as you did when you were little with plasticine). Then cut the strips into dice/cubes with a knife and then score the pieces of ricotta and spinach gnocchi with a fork or a grater without crushing them.
  • Finally, boil a pot with plenty of water and a little salt and put the gnocchi inside. When the gnocchi rise to the surface of the water, it means that they are ready. Remove them with a slotted spoon.
  • Now all that remains is to serve the ricotta and spinach gnocchi with grated Parmesan cheese and a few basil leaves on top.

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