Ricotta and dulce de leche cake recipe

Ricotta and dulce de leche cake, a cake originally from Italy and also from Argentina, so it can be said that this cake is a fusion between the two countries. It is a delicious cake, since the ricotta cheese is very soft and provides an incredible texture. In addition, it is prepared with a small amount of sugar because the sweetness is given by the dulce de leche. The filling is very creamy and contrasts perfectly with the crunchy base, similar to shortcrust pastry. If you want, you can even double the amount of ingredients and cover the cake at the end to make it kuchen-like.

On the other hand, you can flavor your cake with vanilla essence, lemon juice or both, since ricotta cheese is so soft that it lends itself to including these types of ingredients. Keep reading and discover in this article how to make ricotta and dulce de leche cake, an easy and perfect recipe to surprise.

Ingredients to make Ricotta and dulce de leche cake:

  • 200 grams of common wheat flour
  • 50 grams of white or brown sugar
  • 75 grams of butter (⅓ cup)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence
  • 1 lemon (zest)
  • For the filling:
  • 250 grams of ricotta cheese
  • 75 grams of white or brown sugar
  • 10 grams of butter
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence
  • 1 can of dulce de leche (needed amount)
  • 1 egg

How to make Ricotta and Dulce de Leche Tart:

  1. Start by preparing the dough for the base. Thus, in a bowl, mix the sugar with the flour, the butter at room temperature, the essence of vanilla and an egg.
  2.  With the help of a spatula or with your own hands, mix until it is like a grit, then add the milk and integrate it without kneading too much.
  3. Tip: you can substitute this dough for a simple base of sweet biscuits such as Maria and melted butter.
  4. Form a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and reserve it in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
  5. After the time has elapsed, place the ball on baking paper and, on top, the same sheet of plastic wrap that you used to wrap it and stretch it with a rolling pin.
  6. Remove the plastic wrap, line the mold with the dough, including the walls, and leave it in the fridge while you prepare the filling for the ricotta and dulce de leche tart. Preheat the oven to 150ºC.
  7. In another bowl put the cheese, vanilla, egg, lemon zest and butter. Mix everything well until a smooth dough is left.
  8. Take out the mold with the dough, cover the bottom with dulce de leche to your liking, although we recommend adding a generous layer to get a good taste of its flavor.
  9. Take advantage and prepare homemade dulce de leche.
  10. On top of the dulce de leche distribute all the whipped cream cheese and bake the ricotta and dulce de leche tart for about 50 minutes at 150ºC or until done.
  11. Prick the cream with a toothpick, if it comes out dry, remove the cake.
  12. If it’s not ready, but you notice that it’s browning a lot, cover it with aluminum foil and leave it for a few more minutes.
  13. Tip: you can make more dough and decorate the surface with strips forming a network.
  14. Take the cake out of the oven, let it cool down and keep it in the fridge for a minimum of 3-4 hours, or better overnight.
  15. When serving the ricotta and dulce de leche cake, we recommend sprinkling icing sugar or grated coconut. It is delicious, creamy on the outside and crunchy on the outside.
  16. Another totally valid option is to prepare a simple meringue and decorate the cake with the help of a pastry bag

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