Rice with Potatoes and Cod Recipe

Cod with potatoes and rice, a wonderful traditional spoon dish of Extremadura and La Mancha gastronomy. This recipe is very complete and is worth it as a single dish. In addition, we can make small variations and prepare different dishes each time, adding vegetables, legumes, etc.

This dish of rice with cod and potatoes is very simple to prepare and quick, suitable even for beginners. With some very basic ingredients, in a few minutes we will have a traditional stew, the kind our grandmothers used to make. This type of stew is eaten more in winter because it is a hot and hearty dish, which contains protein and carbohydrates, many vitamins, minerals and little fat.

Ingredients to make Rice with potatoes and cod:

  1. 2 pieces of boneless cod
  2. 3 potatoes
  3. 1 green bell pepper
  4. 1 small onion
  5. 80 grams of rice
  6. 1 dessert spoon of sweet paprika
  7. 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  8. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Rice with potatoes and cod:

  • Wash and chop the green pepper and onion into small pieces. If you want to make the recipe for rice with potatoes and cod from Extremadura, we recommend you include half a red pepper.
  • Heat a pan with a little oil over medium heat and add the onion and pepper. Let these ingredients cook.
  • Peel and cut the potatoes into wedges. When the onion and pepper begin to brown, add the rice, stir and, immediately afterwards, add the potatoes. Cook everything together for 1 minute.
  • Add the teaspoon of sweet paprika to the pan and mix, making sure that the paprika does not burn because it would alter the flavor of the cod with potatoes and rice.
  • Next, pour water until all the ingredients are well covered. Let the preparation cook for about 20 minutes or until the potatoes and rice are almost done. Add a little salt, but not too much, as the cod will add more flavor to the stew later. You can change the water for fish broth.
  • While the stew is cooking, cut the cod into pieces, into strips, crumble it or leave it that way to add the whole fillets. Of course, you should already have the desalted cod to the point of salt. Remove the skin and bones if there are any.
  • Tip: To desalt the cod you just have to leave it in water for 24-48 hours, changing the water every 6 hours.
  • When the potatoes are tender and the rice is almost ready, add the cod and let it cook for 3-5 minutes. Salt taste and rectify if necessary.
  • Tip: You can also brown the cod before adding it to the stew.
  • The point of the fish will be to your liking, so you can cook it for more or less time. It is to your liking. Serve the recipe for rice with cod and potatoes in hot broth, you will see that it has a truly exquisite flavor.

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