Rice with Chicken and Saffron Recipe

This time we are going to learn how to prepare a delicious dish of rice with chicken and saffron, rich and simple. Saffron cannot be missing in our rice dishes, since, apart from giving color, it adds a lot of flavor if we use a good saffron, and so it is worth it to be of quality. For this recipe you can use saffron in strands or in powder, since both ways are very good. Likewise, saffron is an ideal condiment for many other dishes, which is why we recommend always having it on hand.

For this recipe we can use any part of the chicken, breast, thigh or wing, since it is a stew of rice with chicken and saffron that can be made with any of them

Ingredients to make Chicken and Saffron Rice:

  1. 1 chicken in pieces
  2. 350 grams of bomb rice
  3. 1 medium onion
  4. 1 piece of green and red bell pepper
  5. 2 cloves of garlic
  6. 1 liter of chicken broth
  7. 4 strands of saffron or powder
  8. 5 tablespoons of crushed tomato
  9. 1 splash of oil
  10. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Chicken and Saffron Rice:

  • We chop the vegetables, that is, the onion, the red pepper and the green pepper and the garlic cloves. We recommend chopping all ingredients into equal sized pieces.
  • We put a pan with a good jet of oil, add the vegetables when hot and leave them for a few minutes to poach over medium heat.
  • We take a few strands of saffron. Although we can also use the powdered version to prepare the chicken and saffron rice, the difference is that the strands will have to be toasted a bit, as we will see in the next step.
  • When the vegetables are poached, add the strands and, very carefully, let them brown a bit but without burning. Although we think we can skip this step, the truth is that we can’t, because if we don’t toast the threads, the saffron will not provide all its flavor. On the other hand, it is necessary to use few strands, since it provides a very intense flavor.
  • Tip: If we use saffron powder, it is not necessary to roast it.
  • Next, add the crushed tomato, stir everything and let the sauce finish for a few minutes.
  • Cut the chicken into pieces, salt and add them to the pan with the sauce. Let everything cook together, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.
  • Add the rice and stir so that all the flavors are well integrated and, in turn, the cereal is slightly toasted.
  • Let’s pour the hot chicken broth, stir a little, and let the rice with saffron and chicken cook for 18 minutes over medium-low heat. It is important to check the cooking of the rice after 10 minutes, since, depending on the type we use, it may take less time to cook.
  • Taste for salt and adjust if necessary. When the rice is well done, remove the pan from the heat and let the preparation rest for 5 minutes.
  • And it will be ready to eat! Undoubtedly, this recipe for rice with chicken and saffron strands is very rich, it is perfect for any occasion and even suitable for losing weight. Of course, if you want to include this dish in a menu to lose weight, we recommend replacing the fried tomato with two chopped tomatoes.

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