Rice with chestnuts recipe

Rice pudding is one of those desserts that reminds us like few others of our home and childhood. On this occasion, we offer you a very autumnal version of this grandma’s classic: a recipe for rice with chestnuts that we know will surprise you. This preparation has the classic ingredients of any sweet rice pudding, but we add one of the most popular fruits of the season. In total, you will only need 5 ingredients to make it and, in a very short time, you will have a delicious homemade dessert ready with which you can pamper your loved ones.

Join us in this article and discover how to make rice with sweet chestnuts.

Ingredients to make Rice with chestnuts:

  • 300 grams of peeled chestnuts
  • 4 glasses of skimmed milk
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 piece of orange peel
  • 1 glass of white sugar
  • 1 glass of round rice

How to make Rice with chestnuts:

  1. To start with the recipe for rice pudding and chestnuts, roast the chestnuts.
  2. You can prepare the chestnuts in the microwave quickly and in just three minutes you will have them ready.
  3. Peel and crumble them moderately, wrap them in a clean kitchen cloth so that they do not dry out and reserve.
  4. Put milk, a cinnamon stick and the orange peel in a saucepan. Let it emulsify and the flavors blend.
  5.  Once the milk is hot, add the sugar and stir to dilute it. Let cook very slowly without boiling.
  6. After 5 minutes, raise the heat a little and when you see that it boils, add the rice immediately and stir.
  7. It is important that in this step you do not stop stirring gently to prevent the milk from overflowing and the rice from sticking. Lower the heat a bit again.
  8. The rice should cook for at least 20 minutes. Even so, you can take out a grain of rice to check its texture, since it will always take longer for it to soften in milk.
  9. After this time, add the chestnuts that you had reserved. Stir and let cook another 15 minutes approximately.
  10. Remove and keep in this step the orange peel and the cinnamon stick, you can use them later to decorate your sweet rice.
  11. Trick: we recommend that you cover the casserole so that the rice softens more easily. Don’t forget to stir every moment.
  12. Once the rice has almost completely absorbed the milk, taste a grain of rice again and check its texture. If you need more cooking, add water and cook longer. It should be juicy, tender and with a delicate flavor.
  13. Tip: let it cool for 4 hours in the fridge before eating it.

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