Rice with Chanterelles Recipe

Rice with chanterelles, also called robellones, is an exquisite dish and very simple to prepare. It is perfect for autumn because this is the time for this type of mushroom. In addition, as it is a hot dish, it also goes very well to combat the cold, since it will comfort us quickly.

In this article, we are going to share a recipe for rice with chanterelles without ingredients of animal origin, so all those who prefer to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet can also enjoy this delicious dish. Without further ado, let’s go with it! As soon as you discover how to make rice with chanterelles and try it, we know that this is going to be one of your star dishes.

Ingredients to make Rice with Miscalls:

  1. 250 grams of chanterelles (robellones)
  2. 2 cups of bomb or round rice
  3. 1 red bell pepper
  4. 1 green bell pepper
  5. 1 leek
  6. 3 garlic cloves
  7. 1 large grated tomato
  8. 1 sprig of fresh parsley
  9. 1 liter of vegetable broth or water
  10. 1 bay leaf
  11. 1 dessert spoon of sweet paprika
  12. 1 dessert spoon of turmeric
  13. 1 splash of olive oil
  14. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Arrow con Níscalos:

  • Clean and cut all the vegetables into medium pieces. You can change or add any vegetables you want, since rice is much appreciated and combines perfectly with everything.
  • Tip: if you are not a vegetarian or vegan, you can make rice with chanterelles and chicken or ribs by browning the meat a bit before proceeding to cook the vegetables.
  • Heat a good jet of olive oil in a deep frying pan or wok and fry the vegetables, stir and fry for 5 minutes. Do not have the fire high because you only need them to stay tender, so they will be juicier when mixed with the rice.
  • Tip: the rice with chanterelles will be syrupy or a little soupy, which is why we recommend using a wok, deep frying pan or pot.
  • Grate the tomato and add it to the wok or pan after 5 minutes. Let it cook over medium heat for 3 minutes, also adding the paprika and bay leaf.
  • Trick: put the chanterelles to soak to wash them very well and remove all the dirt they may have.
  • Prepare a jar or container with vegetable broth and heat it. Then, add it to the sofrito and add the turmeric, although you can substitute saffron or food coloring if you wish.
  • Having already prepared the chanterelles, well cleaned and cut into quarters, wait for the broth to start boiling and add them. Immediately after, add the rice, stir so that it does not get caked and let everything cook over medium heat for at least 20 minutes.
  • Try and rectify if it is necessary to give it a point of salt. Do not forget to stir the rice with chanterelles two or three more times, so that it is sweet and at its right cooking point. When there are almost 5 minutes left to remove the preparation from the heat and let it rest, add fresh chopped parsley.
  • Once the rice is cooked, cover the pan with aluminum foil or a lid and let it rest for another 5 minutes. Then it’s ready to serve! This recipe for rice with chanterelles could not be better, it is a unique and complete dish that you can accompany with appetizers and/or tapas that we recommend below.

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