Rice with Cauliflower and Cod Recipe

Rice with cauliflower and cod, a delicious dish, simple, fast and very complete, since in the same dish we have rice, vegetables and cod for protein. This rice dish is typical of the Alicante coast and we can prepare it as a paella or as a soupy rice dish, we just have to add more or less broth.

This rice dish with cauliflower and cod is simple, but it is important to have the ingredients ready in advance, such as the cod, which we have to soak for 24-48 hours or buy desalted. The other ingredients are very simple and easy to have at home.

Ingredients to make Rice with cauliflower and cod:

  1. 180 grams of rice
  2. 2 pieces of desalted cod
  3. 250 grams of cauliflower
  4. 1 clove garlic
  5. 1 piece of green pepper
  6. 1 piece of red pepper
  7. 100 grams of tomato sauce or crushed tomato
  8. 1 pinch of saffron
  9. 1 liter of water or fish broth
  10. 1 splash of olive oil
  11. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Rice with cauliflower and cod:

  • If you don’t have desalted cod, you should soak the cod and leave it in the fridge for 2 days, changing the water every 6-8 hours. You can also buy strips of cod and put them in water the day before, changing the water 2-3 times. Once desalted, heat a pan with a good splash of oil over medium-high heat, cut the pieces of cod into strips or small pieces and, when the oil is hot, brown them for a couple of minutes, remove them and set them aside.
  • Tip: You can also make rice with cauliflower and cod crumbs, buying the fish in this way or crumbling it once desalted.
  • Wash and cut the red and green pepper into pieces and peel and mince the garlic. In the same pan where you have browned the cod, add the minced garlic, sauté it over medium heat for a minute and add the pieces of pepper to cook for a few minutes.
  • Tip: If you want to make cod paella with onion and cauliflower, finely chop a small onion and add it with the garlic.
  • When you see that the pepper is sautéed, add the tomato sauce. If it is natural, let it cook for about 5 minutes.
  • Once the sauce is ready, add the rice, and stir to mix the flavors and pour in the water or fish broth. To make rice with cauliflower and cod tastier, we recommend using broth.
  • Trick: We have chosen to make rice with cauliflower and cod, but to make dry rice with cauliflower and cod you just have to pour less liquid and add as needed.
  • When the broth starts to boil, put the pan over medium heat, add the cauliflower, a little salt and the saffron. Let cook until the rice has about 5 minutes left to finish cooking. The cauliflower must be perfectly washed before being added, as well as chopped to taste. To do this, consult our article on How to disinfect vegetables.
  • After about 10 minutes, add the cod pieces and let them all cook together for 5 minutes. If the rice is too dry, you can add more water or broth.
  • When there are a couple of minutes left, taste the salt and rectify if necessary. Let it finish cooking, keeping in mind that it is preferable that the rice be al dente rather than soft, since the heat of the pan will finish cooking. Now you can serve your recipe for rice with cauliflower and cod! As you can see, the result is a sticky rice with cauliflower and cod that is wonderful and very complete, ideal for getting the little ones to eat fish and vegetables at the same time.
  • Rice with cod and cauliflower – Accompaniments
  • Rice with cauliflower and cod is ideal for enjoying a delicious dish of rice in broth or paella with cod as a family, as remember that you can add more or less liquid to make it more or less dry. You can serve it accompanied by a spinach and mango salad if you fancy something fresher or prepare some delicious baked potatoes, which fit perfectly with this dish.

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