Rice with beans recipe

Rice with beans recipe

Rice with beans recipe

A delicious dish of rice with beans, a simple and very complete stew. Preparing legume dishes with rice is a good option to make complete dishes, they are also very good. Rice goes well with all legumes, which is why we find recipes that cook it with chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas… These dishes provide a very good dose of protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as energy!

This type of stew can be made very varied, since you can add vegetables, meat, chorizo ​​​​or potatoes. If you have a pressure cooker, you can prepare rice and beans stew in no time. These dishes are left with a consistent broth, since both the rice and the potato are ingredients that thicken the water. If you also want to learn how to prepare this dish that has so many flavors, keep reading how to make rice with beans.

Ingredients to make Rice with beans:Rice with beans recipe

  • 400 grams of kidney beans (white beans)
  • 100 grams of rice
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 sausage
  • 1 piece of leek
  • 1 onion
  • 1 piece of green pepper
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Rice with Beans:


Put the beans to soak the night before. To cook the rice with beans, once overnight, place the legumes in a saucepan covered with cold water and place over medium-high heat.

Trick: We have used white beans, but you can also make rice with black beans following the same process.


Add the vegetables, so that you introduce a piece of leek, the peeled and chopped onion, the green pepper also chopped and the peeled garlic. When the water starts to boil, pour a glass of cold water, wait for it to boil again and repeat this step. This allows the beans to cook better. After adding the second glass of water, let everything cook over medium heat for 45-60 minutes. At this point it will not be ready yet; it will take about 20 minutes.

Tip: If you use a pressure cooker, you should cut the cooking time in half. Also, if you use canned beans, wait for the vegetables to cook a bit before adding them.


While the vegetables are cooking with the beans, cut the chorizo, prepare the rice and peel and chop the potatoes. If you prefer, you can add the chorizo ​​in the previous step, substitute it with another type of meat or eliminate it from the recipe.


Halfway through cooking, add the chorizo ​​so that it releases its entire flavor.

Trick: You can also add chicken, turkey…


When the beans are half cooked, after 45 minutes or so, add the chopped potatoes and rice. Cook the rice with beans and chorizo ​​adding a little salt and a little more water if necessary, since when adding the potatoes and, above all, the rice, the stew may need more water so that it is not too thick. Cook over medium heat.

Tip: If you make the rice with canned beans, add them in this step.


You’ll know it’s ready when the rice and potatoes are cooked. Salt test and rectify. If you don’t want to find pieces of vegetables, you can take them out now, mash them and add them to the stew again.


At the last moment, you may notice that the stew is very thick due to the rice, so, before turning off the heat, add a little more water if you consider it appropriate. Leave the preparation for a few more seconds on the heat and that’s it, you can now serve your recipe for rice with beans.

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