Rice Stew Recipe

Rice Stew Recipe

Rice Stew Recipe

The most interesting thing about regional recipes is that they all have a different version, although at the same time, they are the same dish. Of course, this Argentinian rice stew recipe is no exception. Some prefer meat, which is the most common way of preparing it, but others use chicken, chorizo, bacon, etc. The important thing is that it is a dish that, fresh from the pot, warms the body in cold times, since it is a typical winter preparation.

For this recipe, at RecetasGratis we chose a traditional version with meat. We recommend a soft cut that is easy to cook; otherwise you will have to cook it extra so that it is ready for the rice stew. Other than that, it’s quick and easy. You dare? Read on and find out how to make beef and potato rice stew!

Ingredients to make Rice Stew:Rice Stew Recipe

  • 350 grams of rice
  • 250 grams of meat to stew
  • 1 onion
  • 1 medium bell pepper
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 100 grams of beans (string beans, green beans)
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 2 stalks of parsley
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • salt to taste

How to make rice stew:


Rice stew is prepared with small pieces of meat, unlike stews. Therefore, this is the first thing to do: mince the meat.


Once minced, fry it in the oil along with the pepper, salt and garlic.


Meanwhile, chop the onion into large pieces.


Likewise, chop the paprika. It is important that you do not chop the vegetables very small, since the rice stew is a rustic preparation and these should be noted on the plate.


Peel the potatoes and carrots. Cut the carrot a little thinner than the potatoes, remembers that it takes longer to cook. Also chop the beans or green beans.


When the meat has cooked on the outside, add the onion and paprika to the cooking. Stir well and allow flavors to meld, takes about 5 minutes.


Now, add the carrot and cook for about 10 more minutes.


Add the potatoes and fry them for a few minutes.


Crush or blend the tomatoes. You can also use ready-made tomato sauce.


Now, pour in the blended tomatoes and let the rice stew with meat cook for about 15 minutes. The idea is that the carrots and potatoes soften a bit so they don’t get hard when you make the rice.


After that time, add the rice and the green beans. You can also add them along with the potatoes if you like them more cooked.


Stir and add enough water to cook the rice, about two and a half times the amount of rice.


Cover and boil until the rice is cooked. It may be a bit soggy. Don’t worry, turn off the stew as soon as the rice is ready and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. Serve the rice stew with meat along with the finely chopped parsley.

Rice stew with meat – Suggestions and other recipes

You have many options when making this soupy rice stew. You can remove or add the vegetables you want or make it drier or wetter according to your taste. In addition to making it with meat, you can also make the rice with chicken stew; it will be much easier because this meat requires less cooking time. If you use chicken, dice it.

In any case, the stew should always be soupy. You should only let the rice sit a little bit if it’s too soupy, but don’t let it get loose or dry.

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