Rice salad with mayonnaise and tuna recipe

Rice is not only the classic side dish par excellence, but it can also be used as an ingredient for other recipes such as the famous and delicious rice salads.

In the easy recipe that we propose we have used rice that you have left over from another preparation and we have mixed it with tuna and a pink sauce to make a dish of 10! The rice salad with mayonnaise and tuna is light and you can prepare it for both lunch and dinner, so let’s put on our aprons and start cooking!

Ingredients to make Rice Salad with Mayonnaise and Tuna:

  • 1 tablespoon of Mayonnaise
  • ½ tablespoon of Tomato Ketchup Sauce
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 can of prickly pear in oil
  • 1 cup of cooked rice (175 grams)
  • 1 handful of olives
  • ½ can of sweet corn
  • Feta cheese
  • 8 cherry tomatoes

How to make Tuna Mayonnaise Rice Salad:

To make this delicious rice salad, the first step will be to prepare the dressing. To do this, mix the mayonnaise with the tomato sauce and add a little salt and pepper. Separately, chop the olives and tomatoes in half. If you prefer, you can use any other variety of tomato, although for this type of rice salad I always prefer to use cherry tomatoes. As for the olives, you can use them stuffed with anchovy or pepper but always without the bone.

Place the rice in a bowl large enough to mix with the rest of the ingredients. As we have said in other rice salad recipes, in this case you can also use the rice that you have left over from another preparation. Although if you prefer to do it at the moment you can follow the easy white rice recipe.

Incorporate a first part of the ingredients, the tomatoes, the previously drained corn and the olives. Mix well with the rice so that they are distributed evenly.

Now it is the turn of the tuna, also previously drained. Add the tuna then and stir very well to finish preparing the rice salad.

To finish, serve the rice salad with mayonnaise and tuna , place a spoonful of dressing on top along with a little more pepper and add a couple of pieces of feta cheese to give it an extra touch.

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